Friday 17 June 2016

house stage3


1Which was your strongest stock and why?
2Which was your weakest and why?
3What would you do differently next time?
I would choose a smaller company.  This time I chose one of the biggest company in the world which is boring because they are stable.  But if I chose a smaller company, they would be more interesting. 
4What have you learned about stocks?
I learned stocks are always changing. So you always have to keep tracking on it. 
5Why can stocks help people?
Because when company that you invest for, succeed, you receive some of its earning. 
6Would you every actually invest in stocks yourself?
No because I do not have enough money that I actually can invest for stocks, but once I become an adult and earn lot of money I would invest few money. 
7 Why are stocks important to businesses?
Because stocks play very important role to busineses.  It helps us to raise cash and also gives an alternative to debt
8How does the stock market work?
There are buyers and sellers who trade stocks
9If I have 50 shares in Facebook how much money would that be?

10 Is this a good project for students or bad? Explain?

Monday 13 June 2016

the movie review

the martian is the movie which tells about the guy who was left in the mars and his collegues try to rescue him.  The beginning of the movie the protagonist Mark and his crews left the earth for mission in mars as member of NASA.  During the evacuation, Mark was hit by unpredictable storm and left behind of his crews.  His crews assumed that Mark is dead so continued evacuating.  However, Mark survived and thinks that he need to somehow survive until next Mars mission actives which is 4 years after.  He started to supply oxygen, plant and water.  Since he studied about production, he had knowledge.  And he also started to record his daily life on mars.  On the earth, NASA started their mission to rescue Mark since they are somehow contacted each other.  NASA attempted to send food to Mark but their rockets failed.  NASA had to decide either let other crews safety of rescue Mark.  Even though NASA decided to let other crews go beck the earth, they refused its offer and went back to Mars with food from China.  Finally they successfully rescued Mark.  Their decision to help mark was succeed.  Few years later, Mark is telling the story of his life on Mars to students.  

Friday 10 June 2016

movie review

Mark is one of the crew of the Ares manned mission to mars.  Mars ascent got attacked by unpredictable storm and it forced them to leave mars.  During their evacuation, mark accidently got lost in the storm.  Other crews believed that he is dead so they continued to evacuate.  However he was alive.  He attempted to generate water, food and oxygen until other crews come to help him.  Fortunately he has knowledge of plant, he successfully made a plant on the mars.  Mark also succeed to contact with people on the earth and they attempted to send food for him but it failed.  NASA had to make a big decision either resucue mark or other crews safety.  Even though they chose to ensure crews life other crews opposed them and tried to help mark.  Eventually they successfully helped mark.  

Wednesday 8 June 2016

GJ day5

the player have to understand that this game is based on a real life.  as you can see there is a night.  of course crews feel tired and sleepy.  so you always have to take care of your crews more than expanding your colony.  in my opinion i really enjoyed with this game.  it is reality and unpredictable.

GJ day4

today I am going to expand my colony.  but to accomlish my todays goal, i need to produce resources.

I could not accomplish my goal today.  because i failed to produce enough resouces to expand my colony

GJ day3

the very first thing I built was oxygen and plant.  because both buildings are necessary for my crews to survive.  I think this game is very complicated.  because when you intend to build something you always predict whats going to need in the near future.  and also you have to control resources because it is limited.  

Monday 6 June 2016


Soccer player
Why do  you like these careers?
Because becoming a soccer player is one of the my dream when I was youth

What education would you need to have this career?
To become a professional soccer player, I would need a high level environment to improve a skill

What school offer the programs? min of 10 school
*university of akron
*university of Alabama
*university of Arizona
*university at Albany
*American university
*Alabama state university
*Alcorn State university
*university of Arkansas
*Ballstate university
*Boston College
What is the difference between a career and a Job?
I think career is what you go through throughout your life.  Job is what you have to earn monwy
Who hires people in your field?
Team owner, manager, fans

Why is your career important?
because I can earn money by what I enjoy to do
Is there a need in your career?

How much would you get paid?
Depend on how good you are ($141,903.13 MLS an average salary)
What would you buy the 1st chance you had? why?
Calculate your total monthly living cost? would your career be able to live the life style you would like?

Montly $900- it is enough money to affor my life style

Why do  you like these careers?
Because I feel a duty to catch a criminal in the society
What education would you need to have this career?
Knowledge and physical training
What school offer the programs? min of 10 school
Seneca college
Niagala college
Conestoga college
Genestoga college
Georgian college
Canadore college
Sheridan college
Algonquin college
Canadore college
Centennial college
What is the difference between a career and a Job?
I think career is what you go through throughout your life.  Job is what you have to earn monwy
Who hires people in your field?
Why is your career important?
Police plays a role in  the society to remove a crime
Is there a need in your career?

How much would you get paid?
Annual $69.124
Hourly $33.23

What would you buy the 1st chance you had? why?
Calculate your total monthly living cost? would your career be able to live the life style you would like?

Thursday 2 June 2016


When you play planet base for the first time, you definitely should do tutorial.  Because this game is very complex, so it is important to know how to play.  When you set up an colony , you choose and build.  But you have to be careful that you have a limitation of resources.  Also you need to build a colony that can reproduce resources before resources running out.  The most important thing to do in this game is to maintain co2 for your crew.  There is no air they can breath on this planet so you have to provide them air.  However if there is not enough co2 people die.  So it is also important to prepare way to create air and electricity. 

Tuesday 31 May 2016

3D printing

What type of 3D printers are there (6)?

Stereolithography (SLA)

Digital Light Processing(DLP)

Fused deposition modeling (FDM)

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

Selective laser melting (SLM)
Electronic Beam Melting (EBM)

If the school has a Maker Bot 3D printer what type is it? Explain how it works

students can have an opportunity to unique experience with MarketBot

What type of material does it use?

ABC plastic,PLA,polyamide, glass filled polyamide, stereolithography materials, silver, titanium, steel, wax, photopolymers and polycarbonate.  

What is the average time for a desktop 3D printer?

What can a 3D printer be used for? (List 5)

A working gun 
Acoustic Guitar
Hand made camera Lens 
Shakuhachi Flute
Rigid Heddle Loom

What have 3D printers been used for in the science community? Why is this important? Who does it benefit?

the manufacturer creates a digital model of the object to be produced.  CAD model can be coverted to an appropriate file format

Monday 30 May 2016


To become an astronaut, many qualities require to have.  However there are basically 5 important characteristics of an astronaut including Resiliency, Adaptability, Curiosity, Ability to trust, and creativity/resourcefulness.  

RESILIENCY is one one of the important ability to become an astronaut.  In  my opinion I do not have a such an ability.  I tend to struggle to have a motivation when I feel the purpose isn't clear at the moment.  And I occasionally do not trust those who guide me, because I believe that myself is only one I can trust when I challenge something new.  

ADAPTABILITY requires to have an ability to be sociable.  For example, I have to  always adapt understand and approach no matter what kind of situation I am in.  Furthermore, having the unique nature of individual culture backgrounds is also important experience to have.  I think that this requirement is one of the most appropriate ability.  Since I started studying in Canada, I went through a lots of obstacles such as language, human relationship and environment.  However my experience in Canada is good reason to being adaptability.  

CURIOSITY is also one of the ability I have.  When I stuck with something I usually try to find out the solution by myself.  

ABILITY TO TRUST requires to have an ability.  I believe that I am good at trusting myself but not good at others.  But I always reflect previous experience when I make a big decision.  

CREATIVITY/RESOURCEFULNESS requires to have an ability of humor.  I think I am an appropriate to this requirement.  Experience in Canada helps me to be outgoing.  During studying abroad in here, I has many opportunity to meet people from all over the world.  

Friday 27 May 2016

Brooklym nine nine
The story goes with the team of police.  They cooperate together and arrest criminals.  In episode1, a new captain started to serve in the team of police.  The main character and his collegues try to catch a murderer. 
Jake:detective, he acts like a child, but he is so talented.  He always makes fun of his colleagues. 
Amy Santiago: jake’s partner.  She has 7 brothers.  Her role is to manipulate jake.
Terry: he is one of the member who was trusted by a new captain.  However hes also support and help jake. 
Jake: he is obviously a main character.  Other collegues always get involved in the trouble he makes. 
Santiago: I think her contribute to control Jake is an amazing. Even though jake is a good detective, he couldn’t have done such a good work without her. 
Rosa diaz: she seems very cool woman.  It is hard to assume her mind for audiences even the character in the movie.  But I can see she is very clever. 
Boyle: he has an interest in rosa.  His dedication on his work is wonderful even though it does work sometimes. 

I think this is a good movie because even though it seems a comedy movie it has a serious moment particularly when they try to catch criminals.  And there are several characters in this film so the audiences can watch the movie from different perspectives.  And in the movie, the jokes the characters make are very easy to understand for anyone, even not native English speaker.  So I think thi movie is successful. 

Wednesday 25 May 2016

a new season of survivers

1 She should be saved because she has a baby.  So she is basically considered as 2 people
2 He shouldn’t be a part of member.  Because there is a possibility in which his personality  will ruin the relationship between members. 
3 He should be a part of member.  Because his experience or story may make other people feel relaxed. 
4 she shouldn’t be part of it.  Because she is racisit. 
5 even though he is bad influence for other member , his skill may help others
6 no good or bad influence.  But much better than those who are bad influence   
7 no useful knowledge or experience
8 he is in, just in case the shelter is wrecked
9 even though law might be unnecessary his knowledge will be needed

10, the time in the shelter may be helpful for her recovery.  
Game Jurnalism Day 1
Planet base is a strategy game.  player will firstly have 6 people on the planet and start making an colony.  your role is a manager, you tell colonist where how what to do and make.  However you have to be very careful for your colonist because they are human so they need sleep, food and oxygen to survive.  If your colonist all died, it is game over.  you will have a variety colonist for each roles such as workers biologists engeneers medics, gurd carrier bot constructor bot and driller bot.  Therefore you will make a strategy to be successful on the new planet

 you promote an colony
at night

Monday 25 April 2016

what people will be wearing

Nowdays our clothe has been developed since people started the civilization.  People who lived a long time ago, used clothes to avoid decreasing their body temperature.  Because its temperature of the earth was much colder than todays.  However people started to not use clothe as only protection of their body.  Clothe had become a tool to express their personality and evaluate others.  In fact people tend to judge others with what they are wearing when they meet for the first time.  For instance, when you see a person who wears a nice suit, you may probably think they are a businessman.  In contrast if you see a person who wears a dirty cloth you may probably think they are poor.  Thus we tend to judge people with clothe even though they are not that person we think.  According the following statement, I believe that people in 100 years will be wearing similar clothes to what we wear today.  Clothes have been always changed its aspect with their generation.  Therefore we never know what we will be wearing in 100 years but I am very sure that people will not be wearing modern clothes in 100 years. 

Friday 4 March 2016


                Goro is a boy who is dreaming to become professional baseball player like his father Shigeharu.  He lost his wife by the cancer, Shigeharu is always regretting that he could not realize his wife oddness.  Afterward he decided to raise his son by himself.  When he even struggles to be successful as a pitcher, when he wants to throw everything away, he never stopped loving his son.  However Goro started dreaming as same job as his father.  To feed Goro, Shigeharu practices very hard but unfortunately he could not be succeed as a pitcher.  Finally he made a big decision which switches to the batter.  He had a confident to be able to success as a batter.  Few years later, people started calling him “God of pinch hitter.”  At same time Tokyo Giants which is one of the largest baseball team in Japan, got Gibson from America.  Gibson pitches 160km and no one is able to make a hit from his fastball.

                 Audiences, players, coaches and Goro only believe in Shigeharu to hit.  When Shigeharu stands at batter box, Shigeharu was remembering about his wife and Goro.  He was concentrating.  He slowly closed his eyes and when he opened them, there is Gibson on the mound.  Gibson thinks that Shigeharu is just one of the batter.  Goro is cheering his father with his grand parents.  The moment when Gibson releases his fast ball, Shigeharu captured the ball.  The ball hits the centre of Shigeharu’s bat.  When people realized that ball reached a back screen of the stadium, Shigeharu already started running confidently.  Shigeharu became a first player who makes a homerun from Gibson in the history.  At the moment, Goro decided to become professional baseball player just like his father.  By Shigeharu’s homerun, Gibson got frustration.  but even though he is frustrated it is so easy for him  to gain outs from other players.  After ward Shigeharu shows up and stands at batter box again.  Audiences are standing and cheering for him of course including Goro.  Gibson eagers  to get strikeout from Shigeharu.  The ball was released by Gibson’s left hand and it hits Shigeharu’s helmet.  Shigeharu falls down on the ground.  All coaches, stuffs and players immediately come out from the bench and gather around Shigeharu.  Fans and Goro make noises and wonder about Shigeharu’s state.  Gibson was called an ejection and already disappeared from the mound.  Few minutes late, Shigeharu suddenly stands up and seems like nothing happened.  He quickly runs toward first mound.  People are craping hands.  All coaches and stuffs must be blessed.  The game was finished with Shigeharu’s MVP.  Shigeharu is definitely a hero and gives a dream to children especially Goro. 

                  After the game, Shigeharu was having a conversation with Goro about tonight`s game.  Goro was very excited and also says he cannot sleep tonight.  Shigeharu seemed very tired and was listening his son`s talking quietly.  At midnights Goro finally fell asleep, he probably got exhausted.  Shigeharu was looking at him and he also went to the bed.  At 4 pm, Shigeharu woke up with hard headache.  He was very thirsty and drunk water.  Then suddenly he had a feeling of dizziness and he fell down on the floor.  Next morning Goro woke up and found his father sleeping on the floor.  Goro says ``hey dad, don’t sleep on the floor you will get cold.``  his father didn’t react.  Goro touched him and shaken him.  Then Goro realized that Shigeharu is very cold.  Despite Goro is still child, he knew that this is not normal.  He screamed and called his father.  Shigeharu never woke up.  While Goro is crying, Shigeharu`s teammate, Shigeno visited Shigeharu to make sure Shigeharu is okay from dead ball last night.  When Shigeno nocked the door, no one respond.  Then he heard a crying from the house he forcibly opened the door and entered into the house.  He saw Shigeharu lying on the floor and Goro crying.  Shigeno immediately called emergency help.  Few days later, Shigeharu`s funeral was held by the team.  All teammates, coaches, fans, Goro and Gibson participated.  At funeral, Goro didn’t cry.  Instead he made a decision.  He decided to become professional player and overcome his father Shigeharu.  

Thursday 18 February 2016

Eleventh Day and Twelve Day

spend two days to get back starting location Tokyo.  I enjoy this trip with my friends.

Ninth Day and Tenth Day

I go to okinawa. I use  Okinawa is a Japanese prefecture comprising 150 islands in the East China Sea between Taiwan and Japan's mainland. It's known for its tropical climate, broad beaches and coral reefs, as well as its World War II sites. The busy capital of Naha and Churaumi Aquarium, home to whale sharks and manta rays, lie on the largest island (also named Okinawa). I can be relaxed at the beach.  Eat okinawa traditional food.  

Eighth Day

Eighth Day in FUKUOKA

I wake up this morning.  I go shopping in downtown.  Eat hakata ramen.  Hakata ramen (博多ラーメン Hakata rāmen) is a type of ramen, first derived from the Hakata region. It has a rich, milky, pork-bone tonkotsu broth and rather thin, non-curly and resilient noodles. Next thing is that I go to watch baseball game.  there is the greatest baseball team in FUKUOKA.  its very intense 

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Seventh Day

Seventh Day in HIROSHIMA
I move to HIROSHIMA.  HIROSHIMA is one of the city that got atomic bomb.  There are many musium that have many evidences at the war.  So I can learn and feel the time when the war was happening.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial

Hiroshima Peace Memorial, commonly called the Atomic Bomb Dome or Genbaku Dōmu, in Hiroshima, Japan, is part of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. The ruin serves as a memorial to the people who were killed in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. Over 70,000 people were killed instantly, and another 70,000 suffered fatal injuries from the radiation.

Fifth Day and Sixth Day

Fifth Day and Sixth Day in KYOTO

KYOTO is one of the main purpose of this road trip.  Kyoto is one of the city that have many traditional cultures and old buildings.  I am staying in Kyoto for 2 days.  First of all I eat Japanese traditional food.  

NEXT I go to KINKAKUJI.  Kinkaku-ji, officially named Rokuon-ji, is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. It is one of the most popular buildings in Japan, attracting a large number of visitors annually. It is designated as a National Special Historic Site and a National Special Landscape, and it is one of 17 locations comprising the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto World Heritage Site.  SOURCE:WIKIPEDIA

NEXT I go to GUNKAKUJI.  Ginkaku-ji, officially named Jishō-ji, is a Zen temple in the Sakyo ward of Kyoto, Japan. It is one of the constructions that represents the Higashiyama Culture of the Muromachi period.  SOURCE:WIKIPEDIA

NEXT DAY (Sixth Day) 
I go to HORYUJI.  Hōryū-ji is a Buddhist temple that was once one of the powerful Seven Great Temples, in Ikaruga, Nara Prefecture, Japan. Its full name is Hōryū Gakumonji, or Learning Temple of the Flourishing Law, the complex serving as both a seminary and monastery.  

NEXT I do to KIYOMIZUDERA.  Kiyomizu-dera, officially Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera is an independent Buddhist temple in eastern Kyoto. The temple is part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto UNESCO World Heritage site. It should not be confused with Kiyomizu-dera in Yasugi, Shimane, which is part of the 33-temple route of the Chūgoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage through western Japan.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Fourth Day

Fourth Day in OSAKA

Osaka is also one of biggest city in Japan.  Osaka has their own culture and traditions.  Eating is the main purpose to visit in Osaka.  I can eat TAKOYAKI OKONOMIYAKI.

Third Day

Third Day in YOKOHAMA

I do to YOKOHAMATYUKAGAI.  its Chinese city in YOKOHAMA so despite being in Japan, I can feel chinese atmosphere.  Also I eat chinese food.  many great chefs are gathered in one place and they compete each other.  so people can eat top level Chinese food.

Second Day

Second Day (Chiba: Disney Land)

There is Disney Land in tokyo.  Tokyo Disneyland is a 115-acre theme park at the Tokyo Disney Resort in Urayasu, Chiba, Japan, near Tokyo. Its main gate is directly adjacent to both Maihama Station and Tokyo Disneyland Station.  I enjoy walking around in Disneyland.

First Day

First Day in Tokyo (Starting Location)

Today I visit Tokyo.  Tokyo is the biggest and capital city in Japan.  I firstly go to eat TSUKIJI.  TSUKIJI is one of the biggest street where people can purchase flesh fish.  There are many places where people can eat sushi.  Next I go to SHIBUYA.  There are many young people in SHIBUYA.  I buy many fashionable stuffs such as electric devises, clothes.  Next I go to see TOKYO SKY TREE.  It is the tallest tower around the world.  

Thursday 11 February 2016

I would like to travel in Europe one day when I get older and have enough money
to travel in entire European countries.  I already have some places that I want to 
visit, but other than that, I would love to visit all my friends who I met in Canada.

The European continent spans across 3,930,000 sq. miles and comprises nearly 50 countries with up to 5 having limited recognition. The landmass of Eurasia is divided into two continents - Europe and Asia along the watershed divides of the Ural and the Caucasus Mountains, the Caspian and the Black Seas, and the Ural River. The Map of Europe gives you a clear view of the political boundaries that segregate the countries in the continent including Germany, UK, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Romania, Ukraine, Hungary, Austria, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Czech Republic, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Croatia, and Albania. The Russian Federation spans across both Europe and Asia. This Europe map also contains information on the topography of the continent; the various seas that surround Europe such as the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Aegean Sea the North Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Norwegian Sea the White Sea, and the mountainous regions of the Alps, the Pyrenees, the Carpathian Mountains, and the great plains of North Europe and Scandinavia. - See more at: 


Wednesday 10 February 2016

My future goal in university 

To successfully get into the post secondary school, the most important thing is to get

TOEFL ibt score that they require us to get. Sophia university is one of the university that

I want to go. Global studies course sets their criterion of TOEFL score from72. As long

as you have 72 score, you are allow to apply to this course. But in my opinion, 72 is not

good enough. At least around 80 is the best score to apply this course. To reach 80 on

TOEFL, you have to study really hard. Especially TOEFL require us to have 4 English

skills such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing. So even though you study hard

during only short time, it will not work. You have to remember the accumulation of every

single day.

Things I am most exited about for university life is many new friends and the freedom that

university allows. There are many type of people that come from many places even other

countries. You are able to meet many new people that you have never seen. Also you can

learn new thoughts and opinions that you never though. Another thing is freedom. Now

all international students are restricted by school. We have many rules that we have to

follow. But once you get into university, you will be free from all rules. But you have to

keep it in your mind that you will have all responsible that you do.

Tuesday 9 February 2016

I think the world 20 years later is going to be addicted on internet.  Today's world, 60% of people use internet for their daily life, business, institution, organization and education.  probably people can not live without internet.  And internet is getting to become valuable for us.  For instance, the our education developed with internet.  With development of internet, people could share their information and status of their education.  And sharing with other education institution they could be able to find what to fix for children.  And in our education internet is becoming more important.  we use internet as a part of a way to learn.

here is the source
Studies suggest that 1 in 8 Americans suffer from problematic Internet use. Those estimates are higher in China, Taiwan, and Korea where 30 percent or more of the population may experience problematic Internet use.

Thursday 4 February 2016

                                                   The pursuit of happiness

this movie is based on true story.  Chris Gardner is struggling to take care of his family because he has been failed his business.  He decided to work internship to become a stockbroker.  but while he is in an internship he is not going to get paid for 6 months.  he had to take care of his own kid.  And even if he accomplishes working an internship, he is not promised to be hired.  He finally decided to work as stockbroker to pursue happiness.  He worked very hard everyday he even uses time to pick a phone call instead of drink a coffee.  Eventually he won his life game.  he got a job.  

this movie tells you that how life is wonderful.  Even though you struggle to live, you should continue to pursue happiness.  


                                                            American Sniper 

U.S. Navy SEAL Chris Kyle takes his sole mission to heart and becomes one of the most lethal snipers in American history.  He was called "legend" and he killed 160 enemies until he retires his role. He had struggled between the duty as a legend and as a father of family.   Kyle serves four tours of duty in Iraq. However, when he finally returns home, he finds that he cannot leave the war behind.  After the retirement, he had flashback of battle and mental stress.  He tried to heal his disease with people who used be a soldier and struggle with same situation.  

this movie tells you what the soldiers struggle with after they retire being their duty.  

Lone survivor 

In 2005 Afghanistan, Navy SEALs Marcus Luttrell, Michael Murphy, Danny Dietz  and Matthew "Axe" Axelson  deploy on a mission of surveillance and to take out Taliban leader Ahmad Shah. Though spotted by goatherds, Luttrell and his team decide not to kill them. But one of the Afghans alerts a group of Taliban fighters to the invaders, and a terrible battle ensues.   the SEALs find themselves hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned.  Marcus was survived, his crew were all dead.  marcus got wound and was almost dying.  in the forest he was found by afgan tribes which eventually save his life.  the reason that they saved him despite marcus is American soldier was that their belief is that if there is person who needs a help, sacrifice yourself for them.  

this movie tells our stereotype of terrorist and its tribe is totally wrong.