Friday 17 June 2016


1Which was your strongest stock and why?
2Which was your weakest and why?
3What would you do differently next time?
I would choose a smaller company.  This time I chose one of the biggest company in the world which is boring because they are stable.  But if I chose a smaller company, they would be more interesting. 
4What have you learned about stocks?
I learned stocks are always changing. So you always have to keep tracking on it. 
5Why can stocks help people?
Because when company that you invest for, succeed, you receive some of its earning. 
6Would you every actually invest in stocks yourself?
No because I do not have enough money that I actually can invest for stocks, but once I become an adult and earn lot of money I would invest few money. 
7 Why are stocks important to businesses?
Because stocks play very important role to busineses.  It helps us to raise cash and also gives an alternative to debt
8How does the stock market work?
There are buyers and sellers who trade stocks
9If I have 50 shares in Facebook how much money would that be?

10 Is this a good project for students or bad? Explain?

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