Monday 30 May 2016


To become an astronaut, many qualities require to have.  However there are basically 5 important characteristics of an astronaut including Resiliency, Adaptability, Curiosity, Ability to trust, and creativity/resourcefulness.  

RESILIENCY is one one of the important ability to become an astronaut.  In  my opinion I do not have a such an ability.  I tend to struggle to have a motivation when I feel the purpose isn't clear at the moment.  And I occasionally do not trust those who guide me, because I believe that myself is only one I can trust when I challenge something new.  

ADAPTABILITY requires to have an ability to be sociable.  For example, I have to  always adapt understand and approach no matter what kind of situation I am in.  Furthermore, having the unique nature of individual culture backgrounds is also important experience to have.  I think that this requirement is one of the most appropriate ability.  Since I started studying in Canada, I went through a lots of obstacles such as language, human relationship and environment.  However my experience in Canada is good reason to being adaptability.  

CURIOSITY is also one of the ability I have.  When I stuck with something I usually try to find out the solution by myself.  

ABILITY TO TRUST requires to have an ability.  I believe that I am good at trusting myself but not good at others.  But I always reflect previous experience when I make a big decision.  

CREATIVITY/RESOURCEFULNESS requires to have an ability of humor.  I think I am an appropriate to this requirement.  Experience in Canada helps me to be outgoing.  During studying abroad in here, I has many opportunity to meet people from all over the world.  

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