Wednesday 17 February 2016

Fifth Day and Sixth Day

Fifth Day and Sixth Day in KYOTO

KYOTO is one of the main purpose of this road trip.  Kyoto is one of the city that have many traditional cultures and old buildings.  I am staying in Kyoto for 2 days.  First of all I eat Japanese traditional food.  

NEXT I go to KINKAKUJI.  Kinkaku-ji, officially named Rokuon-ji, is a Zen Buddhist temple in Kyoto, Japan. It is one of the most popular buildings in Japan, attracting a large number of visitors annually. It is designated as a National Special Historic Site and a National Special Landscape, and it is one of 17 locations comprising the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto World Heritage Site.  SOURCE:WIKIPEDIA

NEXT I go to GUNKAKUJI.  Ginkaku-ji, officially named Jishō-ji, is a Zen temple in the Sakyo ward of Kyoto, Japan. It is one of the constructions that represents the Higashiyama Culture of the Muromachi period.  SOURCE:WIKIPEDIA

NEXT DAY (Sixth Day) 
I go to HORYUJI.  Hōryū-ji is a Buddhist temple that was once one of the powerful Seven Great Temples, in Ikaruga, Nara Prefecture, Japan. Its full name is Hōryū Gakumonji, or Learning Temple of the Flourishing Law, the complex serving as both a seminary and monastery.  

NEXT I do to KIYOMIZUDERA.  Kiyomizu-dera, officially Otowa-san Kiyomizu-dera is an independent Buddhist temple in eastern Kyoto. The temple is part of the Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto UNESCO World Heritage site. It should not be confused with Kiyomizu-dera in Yasugi, Shimane, which is part of the 33-temple route of the Chūgoku 33 Kannon Pilgrimage through western Japan.

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