Tuesday 31 May 2016

3D printing

What type of 3D printers are there (6)?

Stereolithography (SLA)

Digital Light Processing(DLP)

Fused deposition modeling (FDM)

Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)

Selective laser melting (SLM)
Electronic Beam Melting (EBM)

If the school has a Maker Bot 3D printer what type is it? Explain how it works

students can have an opportunity to unique experience with MarketBot

What type of material does it use?

ABC plastic,PLA,polyamide, glass filled polyamide, stereolithography materials, silver, titanium, steel, wax, photopolymers and polycarbonate.  

What is the average time for a desktop 3D printer?

What can a 3D printer be used for? (List 5)

A working gun 
Acoustic Guitar
Hand made camera Lens 
Shakuhachi Flute
Rigid Heddle Loom

What have 3D printers been used for in the science community? Why is this important? Who does it benefit?

the manufacturer creates a digital model of the object to be produced.  CAD model can be coverted to an appropriate file format

Monday 30 May 2016


To become an astronaut, many qualities require to have.  However there are basically 5 important characteristics of an astronaut including Resiliency, Adaptability, Curiosity, Ability to trust, and creativity/resourcefulness.  

RESILIENCY is one one of the important ability to become an astronaut.  In  my opinion I do not have a such an ability.  I tend to struggle to have a motivation when I feel the purpose isn't clear at the moment.  And I occasionally do not trust those who guide me, because I believe that myself is only one I can trust when I challenge something new.  

ADAPTABILITY requires to have an ability to be sociable.  For example, I have to  always adapt understand and approach no matter what kind of situation I am in.  Furthermore, having the unique nature of individual culture backgrounds is also important experience to have.  I think that this requirement is one of the most appropriate ability.  Since I started studying in Canada, I went through a lots of obstacles such as language, human relationship and environment.  However my experience in Canada is good reason to being adaptability.  

CURIOSITY is also one of the ability I have.  When I stuck with something I usually try to find out the solution by myself.  

ABILITY TO TRUST requires to have an ability.  I believe that I am good at trusting myself but not good at others.  But I always reflect previous experience when I make a big decision.  

CREATIVITY/RESOURCEFULNESS requires to have an ability of humor.  I think I am an appropriate to this requirement.  Experience in Canada helps me to be outgoing.  During studying abroad in here, I has many opportunity to meet people from all over the world.  

Friday 27 May 2016

Brooklym nine nine
The story goes with the team of police.  They cooperate together and arrest criminals.  In episode1, a new captain started to serve in the team of police.  The main character and his collegues try to catch a murderer. 
Jake:detective, he acts like a child, but he is so talented.  He always makes fun of his colleagues. 
Amy Santiago: jake’s partner.  She has 7 brothers.  Her role is to manipulate jake.
Terry: he is one of the member who was trusted by a new captain.  However hes also support and help jake. 
Jake: he is obviously a main character.  Other collegues always get involved in the trouble he makes. 
Santiago: I think her contribute to control Jake is an amazing. Even though jake is a good detective, he couldn’t have done such a good work without her. 
Rosa diaz: she seems very cool woman.  It is hard to assume her mind for audiences even the character in the movie.  But I can see she is very clever. 
Boyle: he has an interest in rosa.  His dedication on his work is wonderful even though it does work sometimes. 

I think this is a good movie because even though it seems a comedy movie it has a serious moment particularly when they try to catch criminals.  And there are several characters in this film so the audiences can watch the movie from different perspectives.  And in the movie, the jokes the characters make are very easy to understand for anyone, even not native English speaker.  So I think thi movie is successful. 

Wednesday 25 May 2016

a new season of survivers

1 She should be saved because she has a baby.  So she is basically considered as 2 people
2 He shouldn’t be a part of member.  Because there is a possibility in which his personality  will ruin the relationship between members. 
3 He should be a part of member.  Because his experience or story may make other people feel relaxed. 
4 she shouldn’t be part of it.  Because she is racisit. 
5 even though he is bad influence for other member , his skill may help others
6 no good or bad influence.  But much better than those who are bad influence   
7 no useful knowledge or experience
8 he is in, just in case the shelter is wrecked
9 even though law might be unnecessary his knowledge will be needed

10, the time in the shelter may be helpful for her recovery.  
Game Jurnalism Day 1

Planet base is a strategy game.  player will firstly have 6 people on the planet and start making an colony.  your role is a manager, you tell colonist where how what to do and make.  However you have to be very careful for your colonist because they are human so they need sleep, food and oxygen to survive.  If your colonist all died, it is game over.  you will have a variety colonist for each roles such as workers biologists engeneers medics, gurd carrier bot constructor bot and driller bot.  Therefore you will make a strategy to be successful on the new planet

 you promote an colony
at night