Friday 4 March 2016


                Goro is a boy who is dreaming to become professional baseball player like his father Shigeharu.  He lost his wife by the cancer, Shigeharu is always regretting that he could not realize his wife oddness.  Afterward he decided to raise his son by himself.  When he even struggles to be successful as a pitcher, when he wants to throw everything away, he never stopped loving his son.  However Goro started dreaming as same job as his father.  To feed Goro, Shigeharu practices very hard but unfortunately he could not be succeed as a pitcher.  Finally he made a big decision which switches to the batter.  He had a confident to be able to success as a batter.  Few years later, people started calling him “God of pinch hitter.”  At same time Tokyo Giants which is one of the largest baseball team in Japan, got Gibson from America.  Gibson pitches 160km and no one is able to make a hit from his fastball.

                 Audiences, players, coaches and Goro only believe in Shigeharu to hit.  When Shigeharu stands at batter box, Shigeharu was remembering about his wife and Goro.  He was concentrating.  He slowly closed his eyes and when he opened them, there is Gibson on the mound.  Gibson thinks that Shigeharu is just one of the batter.  Goro is cheering his father with his grand parents.  The moment when Gibson releases his fast ball, Shigeharu captured the ball.  The ball hits the centre of Shigeharu’s bat.  When people realized that ball reached a back screen of the stadium, Shigeharu already started running confidently.  Shigeharu became a first player who makes a homerun from Gibson in the history.  At the moment, Goro decided to become professional baseball player just like his father.  By Shigeharu’s homerun, Gibson got frustration.  but even though he is frustrated it is so easy for him  to gain outs from other players.  After ward Shigeharu shows up and stands at batter box again.  Audiences are standing and cheering for him of course including Goro.  Gibson eagers  to get strikeout from Shigeharu.  The ball was released by Gibson’s left hand and it hits Shigeharu’s helmet.  Shigeharu falls down on the ground.  All coaches, stuffs and players immediately come out from the bench and gather around Shigeharu.  Fans and Goro make noises and wonder about Shigeharu’s state.  Gibson was called an ejection and already disappeared from the mound.  Few minutes late, Shigeharu suddenly stands up and seems like nothing happened.  He quickly runs toward first mound.  People are craping hands.  All coaches and stuffs must be blessed.  The game was finished with Shigeharu’s MVP.  Shigeharu is definitely a hero and gives a dream to children especially Goro. 

                  After the game, Shigeharu was having a conversation with Goro about tonight`s game.  Goro was very excited and also says he cannot sleep tonight.  Shigeharu seemed very tired and was listening his son`s talking quietly.  At midnights Goro finally fell asleep, he probably got exhausted.  Shigeharu was looking at him and he also went to the bed.  At 4 pm, Shigeharu woke up with hard headache.  He was very thirsty and drunk water.  Then suddenly he had a feeling of dizziness and he fell down on the floor.  Next morning Goro woke up and found his father sleeping on the floor.  Goro says ``hey dad, don’t sleep on the floor you will get cold.``  his father didn’t react.  Goro touched him and shaken him.  Then Goro realized that Shigeharu is very cold.  Despite Goro is still child, he knew that this is not normal.  He screamed and called his father.  Shigeharu never woke up.  While Goro is crying, Shigeharu`s teammate, Shigeno visited Shigeharu to make sure Shigeharu is okay from dead ball last night.  When Shigeno nocked the door, no one respond.  Then he heard a crying from the house he forcibly opened the door and entered into the house.  He saw Shigeharu lying on the floor and Goro crying.  Shigeno immediately called emergency help.  Few days later, Shigeharu`s funeral was held by the team.  All teammates, coaches, fans, Goro and Gibson participated.  At funeral, Goro didn’t cry.  Instead he made a decision.  He decided to become professional player and overcome his father Shigeharu.