Friday 28 November 2014

                      Daily basic conversation in Japanese 

sukina tabemono wa nan desuka?


                                                                                 SUSHI DESU
                                                                                    (IT'S SUSHI)

kiraina tabemono wa nandesuka ?


                                                                 yasai desu

                                                                 (its tomato )


Thursday 27 November 2014

                     Daily basic conversation in Japanese 


tyo shi dou ?                                                  Yuto
(how are you?)                                            
                                                                       ee yo ! 
                                                                      (good/Im fine)


ga kkou wa dou?
(how's school ?)

                                                                       ta no shee yo 



Wednesday 26 November 2014

Daily Teaching Japanese convenience sentences for Mr Omorean

English                                              Japanese 

where is the bathroom ?                   toilet wa doko desuka ?

Thursday 20 November 2014

                            What's Happening At ACSS ?

In international room, some international students are doing a language game with Mrs Goulet

they are finding words that can be a one word and when they find a word they write down on the paper.  

The reason, they are doing this game is because this game can be improve their language skills.

they try to find out some foods that they have not eaten in their life.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

                                  Social Media Safety 

The presentation of social media safety was really interesting presentation for me.  In the presentation, we learned about how is dangerous social networking for teenagers.  The most interesting thing i learned is the picture of my own  that someone upload to social online could be affect our future (university, work, ,,,,)
therefore SNS is the most dangerous thing that is being around us , of all familiar things. so we have to be more careful ,when i use SNS.
                           Lest We Forget (Part C)

                             Lest We Forget (Part B)

The body of Bombardier Karl Manning was found Friday by fellow soldiers at a remote outpost in the Zangabad area, 45 kilometres southwest of the Kandahar airfield, Brig.-Gen. Dean Milner said early Saturday.
The Canadian battle group, led by the 1st Battalion Royal 22e Regiment, pushed into the area last December. Manning was near the end of an almost seven-month deployment with the group.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

                                Lest We Forget (part A)
November 11th

On remembrance day members of the armed forces (soldiers, sailors and airmen) are commemorated. The other common name for this day is Armistice Day which marks the date and time when armies stopped fighting World War I. on November 11th at 11am in 1918 (the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month). Some 100,000 Canadian soldiers died in the First and Second World Wars.

What is Remembrance Poppy ?

The remembrance poppy has been used since 1921 to commemorate soldiers who have died in war. 

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Assignment 11              HALLOWEEN 

 The word Halloween is derived from the term, "All Hallows Eve," which occurred on Oct. 31. "All Saints Day" or "All Hallows Day" was the next Day, Nov. 1st. Therefore, Halloween is the eve of All Saints Day.
Some say that the origins of Halloween can be traced back to ancient Ireland and Scotland around the time of Christ. On Oct. 31st the Celts celebrated the day because it was when animal herders would move their animals into barns and pens and prepare to ride out the winter. This was also the time of the crop harvests. This annual change of season and lifestyle was marked by a festival called Samhain, pronounced 'sow-ane' (Sow rhymes with cow) which means 'end of summer.'

There was much superstition associated with this time of change, including the belief in fairies and that the spirits of the dead wandered around looking for bodies to inhabit. Since the living did not want to be possessed by spirits, they dressed up in costumes and paraded around the streets making loud noises to confuse and frighten the spirits away. In addition, the new year began for the Celts on Nov. 1. So, the day of Samhain was believed to be a day that was in neither the year past or the year to come.  Since it was in between, chaos ruled on that day. Often, people would pull practical jokes on others as a result.