Friday 5 December 2014

                                   Daily conversation

*OOOO wa do ko de su ka ?

(where is *OOOO)

Thursday 4 December 2014

Assignment 16

what is storyboad ?

Once a concept or script is written for a film or animation, the next step is to make a storyboard. A storyboard visually tells the story of an animation panel by panel, kind of like a comic book.

Why we make storyboad ?

Creating a storyboard will help you plan your animation out shot by shot. You can make changes to your storyboard before you start animating, instead of changing your mind later. You will also be able to talk about your animation and show your storyboard to other people to get feedback on your ideas.

How do we use storyboad ?

Most commonly, storyboards are drawn in pen or pencil. If you don't like to draw you can also take photos, cut out pictures from magazines, or use a computer to make your storyboards. Keep in mind that your drawings don't have to be fancy! In fact, you want to spend just a few minutes drawing each frame. Use basic shapes, stick figures, and simple backgrounds. If you draw your storyboard frames on index cards, you can rearrange them to move parts of the the story around.

                                           Daily conversation

ake ma shi te o me de to 

(Happy new year!)

Wednesday 3 December 2014

                                              Daily conversation 

kore ikura desuka?
(how much is this ?)

                                                                                   $100 desu

Monday 1 December 2014

                                   Daily conversation 

na ni si te ru no ?
(what are you doing ?)

                                                                  eiga wo mite ru
                                                                   (im watching a movie)

Friday 28 November 2014

                      Daily basic conversation in Japanese 

sukina tabemono wa nan desuka?


                                                                                 SUSHI DESU
                                                                                    (IT'S SUSHI)

kiraina tabemono wa nandesuka ?


                                                                 yasai desu

                                                                 (its tomato )


Thursday 27 November 2014

                     Daily basic conversation in Japanese 


tyo shi dou ?                                                  Yuto
(how are you?)                                            
                                                                       ee yo ! 
                                                                      (good/Im fine)


ga kkou wa dou?
(how's school ?)

                                                                       ta no shee yo 



Wednesday 26 November 2014

Daily Teaching Japanese convenience sentences for Mr Omorean

English                                              Japanese 

where is the bathroom ?                   toilet wa doko desuka ?

Thursday 20 November 2014

                            What's Happening At ACSS ?

In international room, some international students are doing a language game with Mrs Goulet

they are finding words that can be a one word and when they find a word they write down on the paper.  

The reason, they are doing this game is because this game can be improve their language skills.

they try to find out some foods that they have not eaten in their life.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

                                  Social Media Safety 

The presentation of social media safety was really interesting presentation for me.  In the presentation, we learned about how is dangerous social networking for teenagers.  The most interesting thing i learned is the picture of my own  that someone upload to social online could be affect our future (university, work, ,,,,)
therefore SNS is the most dangerous thing that is being around us , of all familiar things. so we have to be more careful ,when i use SNS.
                           Lest We Forget (Part C)

                             Lest We Forget (Part B)

The body of Bombardier Karl Manning was found Friday by fellow soldiers at a remote outpost in the Zangabad area, 45 kilometres southwest of the Kandahar airfield, Brig.-Gen. Dean Milner said early Saturday.
The Canadian battle group, led by the 1st Battalion Royal 22e Regiment, pushed into the area last December. Manning was near the end of an almost seven-month deployment with the group.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

                                Lest We Forget (part A)
November 11th

On remembrance day members of the armed forces (soldiers, sailors and airmen) are commemorated. The other common name for this day is Armistice Day which marks the date and time when armies stopped fighting World War I. on November 11th at 11am in 1918 (the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month). Some 100,000 Canadian soldiers died in the First and Second World Wars.

What is Remembrance Poppy ?

The remembrance poppy has been used since 1921 to commemorate soldiers who have died in war. 

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Assignment 11              HALLOWEEN 

 The word Halloween is derived from the term, "All Hallows Eve," which occurred on Oct. 31. "All Saints Day" or "All Hallows Day" was the next Day, Nov. 1st. Therefore, Halloween is the eve of All Saints Day.
Some say that the origins of Halloween can be traced back to ancient Ireland and Scotland around the time of Christ. On Oct. 31st the Celts celebrated the day because it was when animal herders would move their animals into barns and pens and prepare to ride out the winter. This was also the time of the crop harvests. This annual change of season and lifestyle was marked by a festival called Samhain, pronounced 'sow-ane' (Sow rhymes with cow) which means 'end of summer.'

There was much superstition associated with this time of change, including the belief in fairies and that the spirits of the dead wandered around looking for bodies to inhabit. Since the living did not want to be possessed by spirits, they dressed up in costumes and paraded around the streets making loud noises to confuse and frighten the spirits away. In addition, the new year began for the Celts on Nov. 1. So, the day of Samhain was believed to be a day that was in neither the year past or the year to come.  Since it was in between, chaos ruled on that day. Often, people would pull practical jokes on others as a result.

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Assignment 9               Camp Squeah  in Hope 

                              playing hockey

                                watching movie

                               into the wild

            bed room, it is really comfortable

Tuesday 21 October 2014

8. Digital Tools-The Camera 

this is a tent in the forest that when i visited to okanagen

this picture is from air plane during it flay on the clouds

peachland after celebration Canada Day on July 1st


this is the biggest building of TV studio in japan, is called ``FUJITEREBI``

a bird flying sky in front of school

Monday 20 October 2014

Composition In Digital Photography (part B)

rule of third

vertical and horizontal line

curved line

oblique line

Wednesday 15 October 2014

          Composition In Digital Media Photography (part A)

 Good Composition is a key element of good photographs yet is something that is hard to define.

Rule of third

The rule of thirds is one of the main “rules” in art and photographic composition and stems from the theory that the human eye naturally gravitates to intersection points that occur when an image is split into thirds.

The Golden Rule 

The Golden Ratio has been used as a powerful composition tool for centuries. It is a design principle based on the ratio of 1 to 1.618. Hailed as ‘the perfect number’, the Golden Ratio can assist in creating images that have a strong composition, which will attract viewers to your photograph.

Vertical and Horizontal Lines

Vertical lines have the ability to convey a variety of different moods in a photograph ranging from power and strength to growth.  As horizontal lines can be accentuated by shooting in horizontal format vertical lines can be used very effectively by swapping the way you hold your camera into a vertical framing.

Oblique lines 

Diagonal lines generally work well to draw the eye of an image’s viewer through the photograph.

Curved Lines

Curved lines are all about beauty and charm.
 The best example of this would be a beautiful
 female form with all its lines and curves. 

Thursday 9 October 2014

 What Terry Fox Run is? And Who Terry Fox Was?

Terry Fox was diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma (bone cancer) in his right leg in 1977 and had his leg amputated 15 cm (six inches) above the knee. While in hospital, Terry was so overcome by the suffering of other cancer patients that he decided to run across Canada to raise money for cancer research. He called his journey the Marathon of Hope.
Terry's Marathon of Hope took place in 1980 with the simple objective of informing Canadians of the importance of finding a cure for cancer. With fierce determination, he ran an average of 42 kilometres (26 miles) every day for 143 days. Terry was forced to end his run on September 1, 1980 when the cancer spread to his lungs.

By February 1, 1981, Terry's dream of raising $1 for every Canadian was realized - the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope fund totaled $24.17 million. Terry died in June 1981.

Terry Fox monument, In Ontario, Canada

Wednesday 8 October 2014

 They are gather up until began the race.

                 Most people are walking with their friend while talking.

Just before goal they don't look tired